International Journal of Performance Measurement














Volume 11, Number 2, December 2021

Influencing Factors in the Use of Peer-to-peer Cross-Border Remittance Platforms by Migrant Workers and New Immigrants - Migrant Workers and New Immigrants in Taiwan as an Example

Le Minh Thanh 1, Wei-Yuan Wang 2*


Foreigners in the past in Taiwan could only rely on financial institutions to remit money to their home countries. The procedures were complex, and the fees were high. Starting in 2010, peer-to-peer (P2P) payment operators emerged in Taiwan and changed the landscape of international remittance services.

Most prior academic studies on P2P are about loans or for one single country. This paper thus examined migrant workers and new immigrants from four nations in Taiwan by anchoring upon the theoretic foundation of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and referring to risks and total expenditures as moderating factors. The research results and analysis on the use of P2P cross-border remittance platforms by migrant workers and new immigrants cover (1) the current status in Taiwan; (2) the statistically significant and supported relation with TAM; and (3) the moderating effect of risks and total expenditures on attitude and intention of use, albeit not statistically significant. Finally, this paper derived the reasons for not using remittance platforms based on research findings and provides practical contributions and suggestions to follow-up studies.


Keywords: P2P, cross-border remittance, technology acceptance model (TAM), migrant workers, new immigrants


1 Senior Specialist, Cathay Financial Holdings.( E-mail:

2 Department of Cultural and Creative Industries Management, National Taipei University of Education.
( E-mail: